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Casterton WI

Casterton Womens Institute
Casterton WI has about 30 members mostly from Casterton, Kirkby Lonsdale and the surrounding area.  It is part of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI). It is also part of the Cumbria – Westmorland Federation of Women’s Institutes (CWFWI).   

Meetings are usually held at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month in Casterton Village Hall.  The main part of the evening is a talk or demonstration which is preceded by some WI business.  The Committee compiles the programme from ideas suggested by the members and from their own research.

Casterton WI encourages members to organise their own activities and during the year will hope to run social events in some form.   CWFWI organises a variety of events, meetings, courses and outings which are all detailed in the Federation Monthly Newsletter “WI News” - a copy of which is purchased for each member.

The Casteron WI Book Club meets monthly.  At the WI monthly meetings, there is a book stall to which members bring books they have read and these are sold very cheaply to raise money.

The LUNE VALLEY GROUP consists of Casterton, Barbon, Dentdale, Sedbergh, Killington and Howgill WIs.  The group committee consists of members from each WI.  The function of the Group is to encourage members from neighbouring WIs to get to know each other and there is a Group Meeting with a speaker every May.