Join Kirkby Lonsdale on Facebook

Submit a community group listing

We are delighted to include local community groups on our website, free of charge. We have a few guidelines that we ask you to follow:

  • Your group must be based in or near to Kirkby Lonsdale, serving our local community.
  • The submitter is responsible for notifying us of any changes and amendments and accepts overall responsibility for the listing.
  • Any images and information uploaded must have the copyright holder’s permission.
  • We reserve the right to reject any submission that contains unacceptable content or we feel is inappropriate for our audience. Unacceptable content includes (but is not limited to) that which breaks copyright and data protection law, or is deemed offensive or threatening.
You may use this field to locate your meeting point or office in order to display a map. Alternatively leave it blank.
e.g. a place of business, venue, meeting point

If you wish to supply your own latitude and longitude, you may enter them above. If you leave these fields blank, the system will attempt to determine a latitude and longitude for you from the entered address. To have the system recalculate your location from the address, for example if you change the address, delete the values for these fields.
You may set the location by clicking on the map, or dragging the location marker. To clear the location and cause it to be recalculated, click on the marker.
Leave blank to use trimmed value of full text as the summary.

Simple Editor

  • Allowed HTML tags: <p> <a> <br> <em> <strong> <blockquote> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <small>
  • Empty paragraph killer - multiple returns will not break the site's style.
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
Please include as much information as you are able to provide, including details of regular meetings, joining fees etc. We reserve the right to make edits as deemed appropriate on the published listing.
Image upload
You may upload image(s) for this listing. Please ensure you have permission from the copyright holder to use any images you upload.
Contact information
Your contact information will not be displayed publicly on the website and we will not use the information you provide here for anything other than contacting you directly in relation to your submitted Community Group. You can find out more about how we store and use your data and what your rights are in our Privacy Policy.